Rothchilds and Rockefellers Receive, Manipulate Death Threats?


Date: Aug. 21, 2007
Issues: Judicial Branch

The Rockerfellers and Rothchilds are the biggest owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud.The Federal Reserve Fraud is the US banking system - the scam to beat all scams. John D. Rockefeller and his boss, believe it or not John D. Rockefeller had a boss, his name was Henry Flagler, formed the Federal Reserve Fraud. The Federal Reserve Fraud is a private US corporation that pays no income taxes and loans USA banks money, trillions of dollars of money, at the Federal Funds Rate, which is now at 5.25%, and this Federal Reserve Fraud private company makes all the interest charged banks. Trillions. This Federal Reserve Fraud private corporation pays zero, zip, nada for the trillions it loans. How does the Federal Reserve Fraud get its money it loans banks - it prints it. Talk about a hot air Ponzi scheme. The Federal Reserve Fraud is the world's greatest Ponzi scheme.

One may ask how did foreigners, Rothchilds, Germans, the King of England slim into the USA banking system known as Federal Reserve Fraud? A German named Paul Warburg, zioni$t, Satanic, of course, sold this Federal Reserve Fraud scam to Henry Flagler and John D. Rockefeller, and then had Flagler murdered by pushing him down a flight of stairs at his Whitehall mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, May 20, 1913. The foreign scum, Rothchilds, ect., who have an ownership position the Federal Reserve Fraud got their shares by murdering Henry Flagler and getting the shares Flagler negotiated for himself in Federal Reserve Fraud. So the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud is comprised of two sets of Satanic losers, foreign scum, Rothchilds, Queen of England, ect. and local scum, Rockefellers ect. Al Gore's daughter married one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud. Since I was raised rich it would not surprise me if I know personally at least one owner of the Federal Reserve Fraud.

US Congress gave Rockefeller Rothchilds, ect. the US banking system just before Christmas 1913 in exchange for Federal income taxes, February 3, 1913. So the US taxpayer foots the bill for the trillions the US government pays the Rockefellers Rothchilds in interest through the private corporation know as the Federal Reserve Fraud. Why do you think Congress, (most of the members of Congress owe their jobs to the Rockefellers and Rothchilds), always wants higher interest rates and the people borrowing more and more money? The more people borrow, the more the Rockefellers and Rothchilds make in interest off our loans.

What have the Rockefellers and Rothchilds given back to the people in exchange for the trillions they loot from us through Federal Funds interest? World Wars, AIDS, drugs, $3.00 gasoline, corporate monopolies, September 11, the Iraq Iran War, biological diseases, James Steele and John Negroponte, Big and Little George, Harry Reid, the bio energy scam, world food shortage, Darfur, racism, zioni$m, communi$m, Karl Rove, Waco, spying on the people, freedom of speech trashed, the dismantling of God, Pat Tillman shot in the back, the US political system in which many members of the US Congress, US Supreme Court judges, CIA, and other powerful people under their thumb, and every dirty deed imaginable. A walk in Rockefeller Rothchild shoes is a walk through Satan's most coward unimaginable filth.

If the list above of horrible deeds is not enough, logic dictates the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud want to kill millions or possibly billions of people on the planet by spreading biological diseases around the planet, possibly by infecting our brave soldiers and using them as human pandemic incubators. Henry Makow Ph.D., and his web site has published at least one article by Benjamin Fulford, Secret government promises big changes,, which basically states there are powerful people around the planet who have had it with the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud dirty deeds' and other their tough guys are going to start killing off the owners of Federal Reserve Fraud. Actually Mr. Fulford names the bad guys as "The illuminati," and mentions the names Rothchild and Rockefeller, but he does not name the bad guys as the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud. It is my opinion the worst of the worst bad guys are the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud because the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud have stolen the most amount of money and money allows the bad guys to do their dirty deeds.

Mr. Fullford mentions the removal of Karl Rove as proof the owners of Federal Reserve Fraud are taking the threats of other powerful forces to kill them seriously. Who knows? Certainly the planet has a choice, stop the Federal Reserve Fraud or die. If powerful forces on this planet have started killing off the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud this is good news. Killing off some of the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud will not change their plans to overturn the present elected Iraqi government and replace it with a Saddam Hussein Sunni Baathist communi$t police state government, nuke Iran and manipulate a world wide nuclear holocaust, because the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud know they are personally dead if they do not dominate and control every single person on this planet.

Mr. Fulford's claims other powerful forces are killing off the owners of the Federal Reserve Fraud could be propaganda, the work of, instigated by, manipulation by the Federal Reserve Fraud itself. Remember the lame argument for the USA attacking Iraq - Little George wanted to get Saddam Hussein because Saddam Hussein had tried murder his Daddy. The entire Saddam Hussien Bush revenge argument is/was total and complete BS because Big George and Saddam Hussein are on the same side - both are Federal Reserve Fraud lapdogs. Thinking people realize Saddam Hussein is not dead, and the reason Sunni are still killing Shiites and our brave soldiers is because Saddam Hussein and his sons, or at least one son is still alive, are alive and leading Sunni Baathist communi$t$ to make war in the Mid East. Just as the Federal Reserve Fraud manipulated Seung Hui Cho to go nuts at Virginia Tech to manipulate Americans to hate Asians, Mr. Fulford's claims could be another Federal Reserve Fraud manipulation to beat the drums of hatred against Asians.

Why do I know so much about the Rockefellers, Henry Flagler, Mary Lilly Kenan, and Federal Reserve Fraud? Well I read most of "A Study in Power" by Alan Nevins, (the history of Standard Oil financed by JDR) just looked at my personal copies to make sure I spelled Nevins' correctly, 34 years ago or so when the books caught my attention while I was at the University of Houston library studying for an insurance course I was taking then. After I moved to Wilmington in 1984 Mary Lilly stories were told to me by her direct descendents, she had no children, but the people who inherited her money she inherited from Flagler, and descendents of players in her amazing drama. God, in my opinion, places me in the correct life plan to be able to understand the conspiracies of the world, open the correct Seven Seals, and to learn what I need to know, to do what I do today. Still think God does not exist and anything God can do you can do better?
